Our Vision To be a quality health care provider in the community and beyond Our Mission We exist to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ through the provision of quality health care services, skilled staff and in a...

Continuing The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ
Our Vision To be a quality health care provider in the community and beyond Our Mission We exist to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ through the provision of quality health care services, skilled staff and in a...
St. Martins Hospital P.O. Box 50 Malindi, Mangochi Malawi, Central Africa Cell: +265 (0)995 232 306 Email: stmartinshospital2008@hotmail.com Website: www.stmartinshospitalmw.com Lets Chat via WhatsApp Our Physical Address
The hospital provides preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services. It operates as a non-profit making institution as it subsidizes the cost of health services that it provides to its patients and clients. This is in part possible because the hospital...
The hospital was founded in 1898, as a clinic, staffed one nurse, who cared...
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